Download invitation letter



1. Abstracts are submitted in the electronic version (
and in a typed variant done in MS Word.
2. The size of the abstracts is 1-2 A4 pages, font – Times New Roman, fourteen-point type, interval – 1 all margins – 2 cm, indent – 1 cm. Please, do not use the button “Tabulation”!
3. Tables, pictures should be done in the MS Word, A4 format page; their size must be 1 cm less than line width, have a number and a title. Information in tables should be typed not less than ten-point type.
4. References, bibliography are presented in the original language at the end of the abstract.
5. Surname and First name, a scientific degree, scientific position, name of the institution, city are typed in the upper line. This information is in bold type, fourteen-point type, interval – 1 and left alignment.
6. The title of the abstract is two passage indents lower in bold type, fourteen-point type, interval 1 central alignment, all capital letters.
7. The abstract itself is one passage indent lower.
8. Postgraduates’, applicants’, students’ abstracts are to be submitted with the reference of a Doctor of Science or Candidate of Science (PhD).

The abstracts will be published in the Collection of Conference Materials

The abstracts which are formed in a wrong way, are not edited or are sent after the deadline will not be reviewed

Developed Roman Fedoruk